Why customization is important for customer satisfaction.
Imagine yourself, opening Netflix and seeing 4 Indian Television shows which you have already seen and u didn’t like it, and suddenly you see a Spanish advertisement which you can’t understand. As a customer or a user, will you still be interested to continue staying on Netflix? No right, Thankfully Netflix has customized their products in such a manner that will please us. The home screen shows the viewer's content according to our preferences, this is very essential to please and satisfy the customer.
Not All Customers are the same
Customization is the key to serve customers. Not all customers
need the same thing in the same way. Customization is the way for providing a personalized customer experience. The critical thing is to create a product/
service/ content which is attractive to as many people, we can. To do this, customizing product to a specific
targeted segment is very essential.
The best segmentation will be:
Power age: 20-28 years old
Middle age: 28-40 years old
Experienced: 40-55 years old
Customizing Features
There is no doubt that customization requires more time and
money. Top Digital Marketing agency, customizes features according to your
business requirements. Customization should be done as simple as possible.
Keeping in mind, the targeted segment.
More customization can lead to complexity hence it should be done
In Retail, it’s like shipping the wrong
In Software it’s like providing the wrong application.
In service, it’s like providing the wrong file.
Customer loyalty and satisfaction are wanted we have to see
while doing customization features.
The first step to identify potential customization is by understanding
the diversity of the people. Understanding people’s needs, goals,
characteristics, journeys, test prototypes, all these tools are most effective
while doing customization.
Finding Places to Customize
Instead of making everything customized, it’s important to know
how to do it methodologically. Otherwise, you will end up confusing the
customer. Remember Kodak, it still went with its older model of reel cameras
when the world started changing to digital and now it can’t find much of its

Top Digital Marketing Companies in Bangalore have learned
much from these experiences and have succeeded in connecting to customers.
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